A little journey over the years,for sure history is a great area where we all find ourselves interested in its events and memories."Moments" theme for ionic app is your guide in your journey b selecting a defined year you can check all the urgent and important events and dates.
Ionic Viewer
You can view this theme on ionic viewer using ID d2a93d89
Sign up
Years list
Event show page
Side menu
Event details
Contact us
Simple ,clear and attractive design.
Easy ways to signup and login.
Clear and strong side menu bar with important option.
Full control area to set up the own setting.
Strong search tool to get what you want.
Login using Facebook account.
Awesome show for years and events.
Strong details page for events.
Tested on Android and IOS platform.
Can be used on Iphone and Android mobile phones.
Built using IONIC platform.
no back-end or logical code included just HTML and CSS files for ionic apps